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“Building the Centre” dialogue

The In Transformation Institute hosted a dialogue on “Building the Centre” on 24 August 2023, which flowed from five previous localised round table discussions. The focus of the one-day event was to unpack the need and urgency for the centre to hold, and what business, civil society and political formations can and should do through creative actions and activities to broaden this, within the current national political landscape. The message conveyed at the previous dialogues was clear: We must now move forward from Analysis to Action.

Around 80 leaders from business and civil society participated in the discussions aimed at consolidating the views and ideas presented at the earlier engagements. The objective was to find ways to translate them into pragmatic and effective actions and activities that will continue to advance the key theme of Building the Centre. The Inclusive Society Institute was represented by its CEO, Daryl Swanepoel.

The programme was structured around five themes: The Criminal Justice System / NPA; Basic Education; State Reform; Civic life; civic education and civic action (election focus); and Health / NHI.


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