The Chief Executive Officer of the Inclusive Society Institute, Daryl Swanepoel, was invited to participate and speak at the 22nd Conference on International Exchange of Professionals, which was held in Shanghai from 1 to 3 November 2024.
The CEO spoke during the session on ‘Promoting Green and Low-Carbon Development in China and Africa through Scientific and Technological Innovation in Resource and Environment’. The title of his contribution was ‘How China can Accelerate Africa’s Green economy’ [Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation].
Included in the conference itinerary was an academic exchange hosted by the Zheijiang Normal University’s Institute of African Studies (ZJNU IAS) and attendance of the 5th meeting of the Abuja Forum, a co-organised event between the ZJNU IAS and the Gusau Institute, Nigeria. The CEO participated in the panel discussion on the role of security cooperation in prioritizing devlopment.
The third element of the visit was the attendance of the forum themed ‘Exchanges and Mutual Learning, People-to-people Bond, Win-win Cooperation’, which was hosted by The People’s Government of Zheijiang Province.
And lastly, he attended the Forum on 2024 China-Africa Industrial Cooperation and Cross-borderr E-commerce Development’, which was organised by the College of Economics and Management, ZJNU.
At an appointment ceremony on 6 November 2024, Swanepoel was appointed as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of the IAS for a five year term