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ISF Panel - Türkiye as a Stabilising Power in an Age of Turmoil

The Istanbul Security Forum’s panel titled “Türkiye as a Stabilising Power in an Age of Turmoil” focused on Türkiye’s efforts aim at contributing to the regional and global stability. Experts evaluated Türkiye's role in the reforming of the international system in an era of uncertainties.


  • Prof. Birol Akgün, Chairman, Turkish Maarif Foundation


  • Daryl Swanepoel, CEO, Inclusive Society Institute (40:07)

  • İpek Tekdemir, Political Advisor, European Parliament

  • Dr. Valeria Giannotta, Coordinator, CeSPI Türkiye Observation Centre

  • Assoc. Prof. Şuay Nilhan Açıkalın, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University

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