The CEO of the Inclusive Society Institute (ISI) has returned from an outreach visit to the United Kingdom where he met with likeminded organisations with a view to solicit cooperation and collaboration.
During the visit and with a view to further developing the ISI’s liberation archival portal, he met with, amongst others, Action Southern Africa (formerly the Anti-Apartheid Movement) and the Weston Library at Oxford University.
He also met with the School for Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University, in search of research and dialogue collaboration, as well as with, for purposes of furthering the ISI’s efforts to promote international cooperation between likeminded social democratic parties and organisations, representatives of the Labour Party, including the Rt Hon Emily Thornberry MP, Shadow Attorney General and Joe Correy-Roake, Senior International and Devolved Nations’ Policy Advisor. He also met with the Westminster Foundation for Democarcy.
During the visit the CEO also paid a visit to the Black Cultural Archives, and attended the opening of the new Africa Centre, as well as the Evensong Celebrating the life and work of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, which was held at Westminster Abbey.
The ISI and Liliesleaf Trust UK also concluded their discussions with regard to the entering into of a Memorandum of Agreement between themselves with regard to joint work related to the Centre for Memory and Learning, which project aims to draw lessons on promoting inclusive societies from the South African liberation struggle.
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